In two weeks, I will be starting Yoga Teacher Training. A bit of a change from the hi-tech world I live in as a computer programmer, but I need that right now. I have never quite felt I fit in anywhere as much as in the yoga community. Finally people don't look at me like I am a freak for being vegetarian since I was 5. And people share my appreciation for the tiniest thing, they too feel that we are not owed anything in this world. Most importantly the yoga community supports the belief that we create our own paths by everything we say, do and think. So this is what I am doing. I am creating. Jump on board or get out of my way :)
Since this blog is about me, why name it "Bent Yoga"? Easy, that will be the name of the yoga studio I will one day own. Yoga bends your body, your mind, your reactions - basically every facet of your life. Maybe I am getting ahead of myself naming my business before even starting teacher training...or maybe I'm just getting a head start in the Universe's queue :)
This is super fun! I am glad you will blog this process. I love blogging...and will be adding a lot about teacher training to it during the process too! I am glad we will take this journey together. :)